Best Bat House and Bat House Location
|Besides building or buying the best bat house you can find you also have to ensure the bat house location is optimal. Why should you care about bats? Are they good for anything else other than eating a few insects?
Here are the Pros of why you should consider putting up a bat house:
- Depending on the species – each bat will consume between 500 and 2000 insects per hour which equates to over 45 million insects in its lifetime.
- They are 100% responsible for the pollination of all the wild Saguaro, Organ Pipe Cactus, and Agave plants.
- They are 100% responsible for pollinating all the wild Banana, Mango, Date, Breadfruit, Cashew, and Fig trees.
- Here are the Cons of why you might not want to attract bats:
- They can carry Rabies and I will get rabies if I get bit.
- They are unclean and spread many diseases.
Audubon Bat Shelter They will fly into my hair and get stuck.
The list of Pros and Cons go on for about two pages for the Pros and less than one page for the Cons. The Pros and Cons listed above are the top ones we hear every day. There are about a thousand species of bats worldwide and globally the bat populations have been declining for the past thirty years for many reasons – mostly from habitat depletion!
Bats are very helpful to people around the globe for many reasons including the Pros listed above. Very few Bats carry rabies and according the World Health Organization more than 99% of rabies hosts are dogs. The largest colony of bats known in North America are located at the Bracken Caves, outside San Antonio, consisting of about 20 million Mexican Free-tail bats and collectively they are estimated to eat more than 400,000 pounds of insects every night.
Bats are mammals and are actually very clean as they groom themselves and each other constantly. Bats use a type of radar, called Echolocation or Biosonar, for navigation. Bats emit sounds out and the echoes that come back are used for identification of objects such as trees, insects, buildings, etc… Statistically your chance of getting a bat stuck in your hair is one hundred times less likely than being struck by lightning. So ask yourself, how many people do you personally know that have been struck by lightning?

Are mosquitoes keeping you inside on all those summer nights – Miller Moths, June Bugs or other nighttime insect a problem for you? Bats are not discriminatory; if it flies at night and a bat finds it then it is dead! If you have no time to build your own bat house, then buy the Best Bat House in the world. Directions for finding the best bat house location come with each bat house.
The Bird Man is your global expert for custom bird feeders, bat houses for sale, custom built bird houses, and everything you can imagine for wild birds and bats. All of our products are”Bird Tested and Bird Approved”!

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