Ready To Try An Easy Indoor Garden This Winter?
|It’s depressing to see the dead, desolate vines after the first frost, isn’t it? Your garden that you poured so much love, toil, fertilizer, and water into all summer long has finally closed up shop and you fear having to push your cart down the shopping aisles again. But, you know… there is another way. Many people are running successful gardens indoors – and no, we’re not talking about amateur marijuana growers here! You can grow tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce and more. The number of easy kits aimed at first-timers makes indoor herb and vegetable growing much easier than you’d imagine.
The AeroGarden
is one of the most popular easy models for indoor hydroponics gardening. The system comes with nutrients, a seed kit, two grow bulbs, and a container – everything you need to start your indoor countertop garden. This way you won’t have to worry about purchasing separate growing lights for your indoor vegetable garden.
Use the Classic AeroGarden to grow Italian Basil, Chives, Dill, Mint, Parsley, Thyme, Salad Greens, Sweet Peppers, Hot Peppers, or Cherry Tomatoes. Mixed kits let you grow everything you need to make salsa or even fresh flower arrangements to brighten you out of the winter blues.
You can choose between various colors – black, white or silver for the large size models, and all different rainbow colors and designs for the smaller ones. The AeroGarden 7 and AeroGarden Extras allow you larger yields and taller plants. The Space Saver 6 and AeroGarden 3 are smaller models for apartments or windowsills. The front panel will alert you when fertilizer or water is getting low. You’ll begin from seed pod and watch your plants grow twice as fast as they would outside using advanced NASA technology.
Critics say the AeroGarden is a little pricey with the gardens ranging from $49.95 to $199.95 and the seed kits ranging from $10.95 to $20, but you can also use your own clippings, starters, and seeds if you wish. Or… if you’re feeling really ambitious, you can buy a book like Susan M. Brackey’s The Insatiable Gardener’s Guide: How To Grow Anything & Everything Indoors Year Round or Dick Raymond’s New Kitchen Garden
. You’ll have to choose your own supplies and assemble some things, but you’ll have the joy and satisfaction of saying “I did it myself!” And who knows… you may even save some money.
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But how to keep the cats from eating the growing greens…